We know we've done our job well when our clients and their members tell us they had tears in their eyes watching the final video!
Like many small businesses, Fundy CrossFit knew they needed to up their game in terms of online presence and digital marketing, but the day-to-day needs of running the gym kept them so busy that creating that content would never reach the top of their to-do list.
When we started talking to Greg and the FCF team, we helped them hone in on what sort of video would be most effective to help them reach their goals. Their website needed visuals to add interest and break up long blurbs of text, and these visuals would express the gym's friendly atmosphere to prospective members. The gym had also survived for years on only word-of-mouth referrals, but the team knew they needed to add some marketing to their repetoire in order to reach their goals.
Together we decided to produce a high quality video that could live long-term on the "About Us" page of their website, and which can also be used as a promotional piece for online marketing.
From there, we needed to home in on what we needed this video to say. What would a new person need to know about Fundy CrossFit that would encourage them to step through the door?
We decided that if someone is looking into CrossFit, they probably already know that it will help them get in better shape - they don’t need another hype-up fitspo video to convince them of that.
We wanted to create a video that would give a broader picture, and speak to some questions people may not already know the answers to:
- how do CrossFit classes actually work?
- will I feel welcomed here?
- what are the people like?
- will someone help me learn the skills?
- and most importantly... ✨ WILL I LIKE IT? ✨
And who better to answer these questions than the members who once asked the same things, and now spend their time there almost every day?
We conducted interviews with a number of members and Coach Greg to make up the story and dialogue for our video, and then scheduled a workout where we could film those members in action. We treated this like a regular gym class so that we could capture the member's genuine interactions with each other, which really helped tell the story of Fundy's welcoming, diverse, and positive community.
With the interviews and class footage in the bag, we got to work editing to create the video you see today.
As we mentioned above, we know we've nailed it when there are tears. The members and team at Fundy CrossFit love their new video and how it captures the feeling and atmosphere of their gym. It now lives on the FCF website, and has been used to attract new members into this fun, fit, community.